At a site with a historic gasoline release, Mundell supervised the installation of carbon filtration systems in homes found to have drinking water impacts, conducted drinking water samples from over twenty surrounding homes and at a nearby school to verify that no other drinking water sources were impacted, and installed two air mitigation systems in order to address vapor intrusion concerns within the on-site station building……Read More »
Investigation Remediation Portfolio
(Case Histories)
Key: Case Histories (), Publications (), and Presentations ()
Delineation of Impacts and Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Associated with a Former Dry Cleaner
Mundell was retained to provide consulting services at a former dry cleaner facility in Muncie, Indiana, where, despite several phases of subsurface investigation by other consultants, chlorinated volatile organic compound (cVOC) soil and groundwater impacts were not delineated on-site. Among the activities Mundell completed included collecting groundwater grab samples at on- and off-site Geoprobe™ soil boring locations to provide a semi-quantitative assessment of the relative distribution and concentration of downgradient cVOC impacts and completing a geophysical assessment to identify possible subsurface conduits. Mundell’s aggressive and thorough investigative actions over a one-year period provided a more concise and detailed understanding of the environmental issues associated with the site……Read More »
Proposed Trail Assessment – Madison Indiana
Mundell was retained to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of a proposed trail area in Madison, Indiana. Mundell recommended a further evaluation of the identified potential environmental concerns including direct push geoprobing to test subsurface soil and groundwater in the vicinity of the potential concerns……Read More »
Modeling Analysis of Groundwater Contamination Yields Reliable, Accurate Data
Mundell personnel performed advanced one- and two-dimensional analytical and numerical modeling of the groundwater at a former wood treatment plant. The calculations and results based on these analyses provided our client with the technical basis to assess whether or not the releases from the wood treatment plant were sudden and accidental results crucial in setting pollution insurance claims……Read More »
Remediation of Chlorinated Solvents via CAP-18 Injection
Mundell effectively confirmed an on-site source at the Michigan Plaza site and fully delineated chemical impacts to soil and groundwater from past site operations. Injection of CAP-18, a soybean oil bioremediation product, was chosen as the best remedial option. Within three months of the injection events, reductive dechlorination responses were evident at monitoring wells immediately down gradient of the injection locations. Over time, this same response has been observed moving further downgradient across the site……Read More »
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