Mundell completed an assessment of an aquifer system and its long-term capacity for an industrial facility……Read More »
Water Resource Evaluation Portfolio
(Case Histories)
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Groundwater Modeling for a Proposed Facility in Indianapolis to Assess the Impact of River Flood Events on the Nearby Groundwater Elevations
Mundell identified potential flood condition groundwater elevations for a site near the White River in Indianapolis, IN……Read More »
Groundwater Flow and Capture Zone Analysis of a Chlorinated Solvent Plume, Pump & Treat System, and nearby Municipal Well
Mundell completed modeling updates for groundwater flow and well pump scenarios……Read More »
Groundwater Resource Analysis for a Proposed Confined Feeding Operation (CFO) and its Potential Impact on Neighboring Private Residential Wells
Mundell completed an assessment for a confined feeding operation to evaluate groundwater impact and capacity……Read More »
Wellfield Exploration for an Ethanol Plant using Deep 2-D Resistivity
Mundell was contracted to use geophysical methods to locate potential wellfields for an ethanol plant in central Indiana, within a three square mile area. Mundell used two-dimensional electrical resistivity (2D resistivity) profiling to locate aquifer bearing material in this area. A single test well, located in the recommended drilling area, consistently yielded 1000 gallons per minute, which was more than sufficient to satisfy the demand of the ethanol plant……Read More »
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