A former wood treatment plant which had been in operation since the late 1940s had discharged contaminated wastewater into multiple, unlined impoundments. The water contained PCP, naphthalene and other organic chemicals used to treat and preserve power poles, fence posts, railroad ties and other wood products. Mundell personnel were asked to assess the impact this operation had on groundwater quality in the surrounding area over an extended period of time.
Mundell personnel performed advanced one- and two-dimensional analytical and numerical modeling of the groundwater. Three-dimensional computer visualization analysis was also completed to assess the full extent of vertical and horizontal contamination associated with different past plant site operations. We conducted similar analyses to determine the distribution of other nonaqueous chemicals released from both the plant treatment area and the impoundments.
The calculations and results based on these analyses provided our client with the technical basis to assess whether or not the releases from the wood treatment plant were sudden and accidental results crucial in setting pollution insurance claims.