Mundell & Associates was contacted by Saint Joan of Arc Church (SJoA) to provide documentation during the removal of one 1,000 gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) from a site in Kokomo, Indiana.
A notification of intent to permanently close the one 1,000 gallon gasoline UST was filed by SJoA and accepted by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) on April 16, 1998. SJoA was the owner/operator of the UST system and had been since the system was installed. The exact installation date was unknown but SJoA personnel stated the tank has been in operation for at least 10 years.
The UST site was located on a small parcel of property southeast of the SJoA property. The site was bounded on the west by Jay Street, on the north by commercial and residential property and on the east and south by commercial property. This facility had been used in the past as a church bus garage and maintenance facility.
One 1,000 gallon gasoline UST was removed from the site on May 20, 1998 by Hoosier Equipment Service, Inc; Mundell was on site to supervise the excavation and closure activities. The UST was in good condition with no indication of pitting or holes in the UST. The final excavation after the UST removal was approximately 9 feet wide, 15 feet long and 11 feet deep. Excavated soils were stockpiled on site and, after field screening, were used to backfill the excavation.
Two soil samples were collected from the base of the UST excavation and four samples were collected from the walls of the excavation (one from each wall), and one sample was collected from the backfill material removed from the excavation and later used to backfill the empty excavation. The results of the laboratory analysis of the soil samples indicate no significant petroleum impact to the soils surrounding the former UST.
Based on the fact that there were no visible indications of contamination in the UST excavation, the UST appeared to be in good condition and all soil samples contained less than 100 mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbon; Mundell recommended No Further Action (NFA) at the site with respect to the former UST system. An NFA letter was accepted by IDEM a short time later.