Our Staff
The people of Mundell & Associates are our most valuable resource! Our unique vision, sense of purpose, and belief in the meaning of our work helps us understand and solve the problems we face as environmental consultants.
With technical specialists in a number of the sciences – geology, chemistry, biology, geophysics, toxicology – we enjoy a synergistic mix of disciplines within our staff that form a unique perspective and guide our approach. Couple these scientific areas with broad training in various fields of civil, geotechnical, chemical, and environmental engineering, this allows us to bring cross-disciplinary creativity to the most diverse geologic, chemical, and regulatory situations our clients face.

John Mundell

Rachel Walker
Ph.D., L.P.G.

Rondel Lattea

Andrew Dammeyer

Tyler Balson

Luke Johnstone

Luis Gonzalez

Stephanie Burdsall

Eric Chojnowski

William Denning, Jr.

Andy Miller

Julie Reyes

Sarah Mundell

Julia Mundell
Professional Affiliations
We have personnel who are members of many professional organizations in the environmental and engineering fields.
American Chemical Society
American Institute of Professional Geologists
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Chemical Engineers
American Geophysical Union
American Waterworks Association
Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers
Economy of Communion
Engineers Without Borders
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
Geological Society of America
Indiana Geologists
Indiana Association of Environmental Professionals
Indiana Geographic Information Council
Indiana Water Resources Association
International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineers
International Association of Hydrogeologists
Midwestern States Environmental Consultants Association
National Groundwater Association
Professional Geologists of Indiana
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Tau Honoraries